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Bauspot-Flas is the optimum Cement (OPC) replacing material

Why replace cement with Bauspot Flas.

Bauspot Flas contains higher amounts of SiO² compared to OPC (37.7% compared to 19.9–24.9% in OPC) and lower amount of CaO (43.8% compared to 62.1% in OPC). Al2O³ is also higher in GGBS compared to OPC (10.2% compared to 4.95% in OPC). In general, GGBS is much finer (fineness greater than 350 m²/kg) compared OPC, which increases reactivity and strength development at early ages.

Mixing Bauspot Flas with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), environmental sustainability can be supported.

Reactivity and Hydration Products of Un-Activated GGBS.

Hydration of GGBS produces C-S-H (Calcium silicate hydrate) even without adding alkaline activators, although at a slow rate depending on physical and chemical properties. ASTM C 989 classifies GGBS into grades based on the slag activity index. Amongst the chemical properties affecting hydraulic reactivity of GGBS are the basicity (CaO + MgO + Al2O3)/SiO2) and chemical modulus ((CaO + MgO)/SiO2).

Chemical modulus of Bauspot Flas: (CaO + MgO)/SiO2: > 1,25 (≥1.2: class A according to NF EN 206-1/CN)

For instructions see here

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