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The benefits when Bauspot-Flas is used in concrete

Leachate reduction

The pH of Bauspot Flas is lower than that of cement (10-11 compared to 13+ for cement). This lowers the pH of the stabilised matrix, which reduces the solubility of the contaminants and minimises leaching.

Lower permeability

The higher silica and lower lime content in Bauspot Flas achieves a denser binder mixer formation resulting in lower porosity and improving physical immobilisation of contaminants.

Increased long term strength

Bauspot Flas reaches higher long term strength than Ordinary Portland Cement and extends the service life of project structures.

Resistance to sulphates and acids

Bauspot Flas has replaced the use of Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement (SRPC) due to its outstanding resistance to sulphates and acids. Bauspot Flas can be used in concrete in all classes of aggressive ground conditions listed in the BRE Special Digest 1:2005 Concrete in Aggressive Ground Conditions.

Lower environmental impact

The carbon footprint of Bauspot Flas is just 42 kg of CO² per tonne, whereas Ordinary Portland Cement is over 850 kg CO² per tonne.

How Bauspot Flas is applied in concrete (with OPC cement) and other cementitious applications.

To achieve a high quality mortar as clearly described in the article with the benefits (see here), it is enough to add Bauspot Flas to the mixture in a ratio of Bauspot Flas: cement from 25:75 to 50:50 (depending on your needs). The higher the amount of Bauspot Flas in the mixture, the greater the reported benefits. Refer to the table below for setting time that allows the user to work without fatigue and haste to avoid solidification of the mixture. The quality of the concrete increases while the mechanical characteristics remain stable.

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