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Bauspot Flas as an Organic Fertiliser

Bauspot Flas helps dry, hard-packed soil become easier to work and lighter in consistency. It makes the soil more efficient for plants, allowing roots to grow more quickly, air to move more freely and bacteria to work more easily. Bauspot Flas does not add many nutrients to the soil as most fertilizers do, however it greatly improves the texture of the soil for working and ease of plant growth.

Bauspot Flas as a source of nutrientFly ash contains some mineral nutrients such as K, Ca, Mg, Fe and S which promote plant growth and also alleviate the condition of nutrient deficient soils. Lime in fly ash readily reacts with acidic components in soil, leading to release of nutrients, such as S, in the form and amount favourable to crop plants.

Bauspot Flas in composting: In sewage sludge composting, lime is used to raise the pH and thereby to kill pathogens and to reduce the availability of heavy metals enriched in sludge.

Since alkaline coal fly ash contains a large amount of CaO, it can serve the purpose of lime as it reduces the availability of heavy metals by physical adsorption and precipitation at high pH. Moreover, it is also cheaper than lime.

Bauspot Flas for crop growth and yield: Fly ash, having both the soil amending and nutrient enriching properties, is helpful in improving crop growth and yield in low fertility acid lateritic soils. Many researchers have demonstrated that fly ash increased the crop yield of wheat (Tritiucm aestivum), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), Sabai grass (Eulaiopsis binata), mung (Vigna unguiculata) and white clover (Trifolium repens) and improved the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil.

Saving of Chemical fertiliser: Use of Bauspot Flas along with chemical fertilisers and organic materials in an integrated way can save chemical fertilisers as well as increase the fertiliser use efficiency (FUE).

For plant booster instructions see here

For organic fertilizer instructions see here

For pH suitability instructions see here

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