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Bauspot Flas as a Plant Booster

Soil texture. Alteration of the soil texture is possible through the addition of appropriate quantities of Bauspot Flas. Several experiments have been performed to measure the physical properties for a variety of soils mixed with up to 50% fly ash, which revealed that soil and fly ash mixture tends to have lower bulk density, higher water-holding capacity and lower hydraulic conductivity than soil alone, due to its textural manipulation through fly ash mixing. Application of high rates of fly ash can change the surface texture of soils, usually by increasing the silt content.

Bulk density. The particle size range of fly ash is similar to silt and changes the bulk density of soil. Several experiments have been performed to measure the physical properties for a variety of soils mixed with up to 50% fly-ash which reveals that soil fly ash mixture tends to have lower bulk density, higher water-holding capacity and lower hydraulic conductivity than soil alone.

Water holding capacity. Fly ash application to sandy soil could permanently alter soil texture, increase micro porosity and improve the water-holding capacity, as it is mainly comprised of silt-sized particles. A gradual increase in fly ash concentration in the normal field soil (0, 10, 20 up to 100% v/v) was reported to increase the porosity, water-holding capacity, conductivity and cation exchange capacity. This improvement in water-holding capacity is beneficial for the growth of plants, especially under rain fed agriculture.

Soil pH: The hydroxide and carbonate salts give Bauspot Flas one of its principal beneficial chemical characteristics, the ability to neutralise acidity in soils. Fly ash (Bauspot Flas) has been shown to act as a liming material to neutralise soil acidity and provide plant-available nutrients. Precisely, researches have shown that the use of fly ash as liming agent in acid soils may improve soil properties and increase crop yield.

For instructions see here

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