Bauspot-Flas is the optimum Cement (OPC) replacing material
Why replace cement with Bauspot Flas. Bauspot Flas contains higher amounts of SiO² compared to OPC (37.7% compared to 19.9–24.9% in OPC) and lower amount of CaO (43.8% compared to 62.1% in OPC). Al2O³ is also higher in GGBS compared to OPC (10.2% compared to 4.95% in OPC). In general, GGBS is much finer (fineness […]
How do we measure pH?
Accurate measurement of soil pH is done by: Electronic pH meter (pH meter): It is a small device that looks like multimeter. We immerse the electrode appropriate for soil testing and in the monitor we can see the pH value accordingly. To successfully measure soil pH, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. pH measuring tapes: They are […]
Bauspot HolCer as a floor thermal and sound insulation tile adhesive
Adding Bauspot Holcer to a ready-made tile adhesive (powder or paste) improves the volume of the adhesive without reducing the strength or speed of welding. For dosage and instructions see here. Adding Bauspot Holcer offers thermal insulation properties in the final adhesive coating because it reduces the thermal conductivity and at the same time, due to […]
Bauspot HolCer for thermal and sound insulation plaster
The addition of Bauspot Holcer to ready-made internal or external plasters (powder or paste) improves the volume of the building material without reducing the drying speed. Due to its morphology (hollow spheres), it offers thermal insulation to the wall because it reduces its thermal conductivity but also offers sound insulation. For dosage and instructions see […]